Wednesday, November 23, 2011

We know Our ABC's 11-23-11

A very big problem that teenagers face everyday is drama. Every one hates drama, but everyone likes it in a way. When we overcome drama we are all nice to each other again. If we do not overcome drama, guys will usually beat each other up and then go back to being friends. Girls Howver tend to stretch it out and start roumors about each other. TACO HOUSE!!


  1. So true. Girls make it WAY worse than boys and are the main source. Notice that the movie odd girl out was about girls, not boys. We agree that one of the main problems in a teenagers life is drama and we should try to stop it. We have alot in common and we should get together and have a cup of tea.MINECRAFT!!!!!and taco bell

  2. We agree with your post. A lot of girls do start drama and just keep going until someone gets hurt. Boys just drop it and don't care and become friends again. Sometimes girls wish they were boys and they didn't have to deal with the drama.
